International Federation Of Inventors' Associations - United Inventors Association

International Federation of Inventors' Associations  - united inventors association

The International Federation of Inventors' Associations (IFIA) is a non-profit, nongovernmental organization founded in London, on July 11, 1968, by inventor's associations of Denmark, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland .

IFIA is the only organization which convenes inventors associations worldwide.

International Federation of Inventors' Associations  - united inventors association

According to the letter received from Republic and Canton of Geneva in June 2015, Cantonal Tax Authorities Finance Department, International Federation of Inventors' Associations is exonerated of taxes on earnings and the capital from 2015 to an indeterminate length due to the public utility nature of its activities as clarified in the Statutes and IFIA has been successfully registered as a key actor based in Republic and state of Geneva. International Geneva, a unique concentration of International Organizations, Permanent Missions, NGOs and academia, has admitted IFIA as one of the partners.United Nation Office in Geneva (UNOG) IFIA logo registered in Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property

International Federation of Inventors' Associations  - united inventors association
IFIA History

IFIA is a worldwide non-governmental organization of inventors' associations and organizations, established in 1968. Its main goal is to connect, to support inventors at an international level and to represent their common interests. Its mission is to disseminate the culture of invention and innovation, to protect inventors’ rights and to promote inventive and entrepreneurial spirit. IFIA was founded in London by the cooperation of the representatives of seven European countries namely Denmark, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.

International Federation of Inventors' Associations  - united inventors association
IFIA Relationship

In order to ensure a better functioning and meet the inventors' requirements, IFIA tries to expand its international relations by interacting and cooperating with a variety of other organizations to hold joint seminars and workshops and obtain the technical assistance. These international organizations include

  • IFIA enjoys observer status (Special Category - Technology) at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva, Switzerland. (Ref No. E3381)
  • IFIA enjoys observer status at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva, Switzerland. (Ref No. B3635)the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • IFIA has been granted United Nations Industrial Development Organization's (UNIDO) consultative Status. (Ref No.E3386)
  • IFIA is also a member of the Standing Advisory Committee before the European Patent Office (SACEPO), in Munich, Germany. (Ref No. D4489)European Patent Office (EPO)
  • IFIA is included among the Assembly of Professional Society in European Alliance for Innovation (EAI)

International Federation of Inventors' Associations  - united inventors association
IFIA Partnership

IFIA fosters cooperation with the organizations that share common interests under the framework of Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) to create an appropriate environment for mutual activities, to further contribute to the promotion of innovative culture, and to provide the inventors the opportunity to expand their communication network. Different aspects of IFIA activities are strengthened thanks to the bilateral cooperation. The organizations include:

  • United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Innovation and Competitiveness Task Force: it offers innovation promotion and commercialization services to IFIA through Innovation Products and research exchange (IPRX)
  • Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO): KEPCO is the fourth power supplier of the world and is now setting up the long-term strategy to become a world invention leader by organizing the international invention exposition. KEPCO can help IFIA members to develop innovations in the field of electricity and commercialize them.

International Federation of Inventors' Associations  - united inventors association
IFIA Main Activities

  • Improvement of the status of inventors and promote cooperation between inventors’ associations
  • Collection of information about the state of affairs and practical conditions relating to inventors, inventions and innovation, in order to disseminate them world-wide
  • Regular scrutinizing of national laws and international conventions, in order to reform them in accordance with the continuous changes in the innovation field and with due consideration to the inventors’ rights
  • Permanent improvement of the conditions for successful knowledge and technology transfer within the particular countries and internationally via the Technology Transfer Center, working under the supervision of IFIA
  • All other activities in order to encourage and promote invention and innovation, to support inventor's project from the idea development to the invention commercialization, to raise the appreciation of inventors and inventions.

In order to realize the aforementioned activities, IFIA is organizing and supporting such events:

  • Publication of reference books, guides, surveys, studies
  • Conferences, seminars, workshops, expert group meetings, lectures
  • Competitions and awards for inventions
  • Illustrative exhibits related to inventors & inventions
  • Assistance in the creation of inventor associations
  • Consultative services
  • Creation of international networking among inventors
  • Promotion of inventions through Internet

International Federation of Inventors' Associations  - united inventors association
What is IFIA

International Federation of Inventors' Associations (IFIA) has over 100 member states from five continents. Its main objectives are to support the inventors, protect their rights and connect them equally and internationally. From the beginning of its activities, IFIA's main goal was,and still remains,to disseminate the culture of invention and innovation, to raise awareness about the significance of invention and innovation for the welfare of society, to promote the status of inventors, and to internationally represent the common interest of inventors. Among the services that IFIA provides to its members, one can refer to the organization of international invention exhibitions, Intellectual Property workshops, and scientific seminars in cooperation with competent international organizations. Therefore, the exhibitors and inventors are offered an excellent opportunity to showcase their inventions, make deals with the commercializing bodies, investors and create the social networks to increase their contacts with the stakeholders. Moreover, IFIA holds international conference and congress in which all of the members can attend and exchange their views on the different aspects of invention promotion. IFIA's source of finance includes membership fees, donations and legacies, sponsorship, public subsides,membership fees, or any other resources authorized by the law.(see IFIA Statute) The funds shall be allocated and used for Federation's social aims and such activities as may be necessary to enable the Federation to carry out these purposes for which it was formed.

International Federation of Inventors' Associations  - united inventors association
What IFIA Does

IFIA convenes inventors' associations, innovation centers, universities, foundations, corporations, and companies which cooperate in an unparalleled way to disseminate the culture of invention and innovation in national and international level. Furthermore, the inventors are offered required information, linkages, and outstanding opportunities to exchange their ideas, and make an extended network. IFIA members are provided with the opportunity to participate in IFIA international invention and innovation exhibitions, congresses, conferences and forums, to organize international events under the aegis of IFIA, to connect with outstanding international figures in the field of business, academy, and institutions, to take advantage of professional networks (Europe, Asia, Arab, Africa, America, Latin America, Youth and women network) and its Transfer Technology Center, to participate in innovation processes, policy making, advocacy, and representation, and to use IFIA l ogo and acronym in the member websites, brochures, and catalogs. IFIA also disseminates member news and events via its official website, paper magazine and electronic newsletter, awards a medal to event organizers, supporters, and ambassadors in a national and international level, holds Intellectual Property workshops and seminars, provides professional advice on different dimensions of patent and commercialization, displays member's logo and contact details on its official website and database, publishes reference books, guides, surveys, studies, and assists to create inventor and invention associations and regional networks in various countries.

International Federation of Inventors' Associations  - united inventors association
The Earliest IFIA Activities

At the early time of IFIA's development, the associations from the Nordic countries,as well as from Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Switzerland and France had an important role for the development of activities within IFIA. IFIA had also the honor at the commencement of its activities to work together with World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). IFIA also had the possibility to expand its activities and include inventor's associations from a lot of countries, mainly from developing countries. During the early periods of IFIA's establishment, the main issue on IFIA agenda was harmonization of the national patent laws within the PCT system, questions about "Grace period" for patents and about Inventors' certificates. From about 1975, the main questions concerned how to develop educational programs and offer consultative services to the individual inventors. From about 1985, the focus was on how to further extend IFIA including mostly the developing countries. A lot of seminaries were organized to discuss the issues related to young inventors and female inventors. The first modification of the IFIA Statutes occurred in 2004.

International Federation of Inventors' Associations  - united inventors association
IFIA Awards

  • Best Invention Medal: The greatest inventions exhibited in IFIA international events including the international invention exhibitions, technology and design shows, invention and innovation expositions, innovative product festivals are granted IFIA Best Invention Medal. Prior to this, IFIA International Jury Board evaluates the exhibited inventions considering certain criteria including novelty, inventive step, utility, and its benefit for the mankind.
  • The national or international well-known celebrities like an outstanding scientist, a prominent football coach contributing to the development of the inventive and innovative culture thanks to the good reputation are donated IFIA Ambassador Medal.
  • Memorial medal: The national or international figures of importance who offer their unwavering support to the inventors and innovators from the very beginning of idea formation to its development are awarded IFIA Memorial Medal to be appreciated for their dedicated assistance to the dissemination of the culture of invention and innovation. IFIA MEMORIAL AWARD

IFIA Memorial Medal winners

This Medal has been awarded to several high ranking figures such as Dr. Ivo Josipoviæm, President of Croatia, Mrs. Teresa Stanek Rea, USPTO Acting Director, Mr. Benoît Battistelli, EPO President, Dr. Miklós Bendzsel, HIPO President, Dr. Francis Gurry, WIPO Director General, and ACM Prajin Juntong, Thailand Deputy Prime Minister.

IFIA Events

  • The International Invention Exhibitions, technology and design expositions, invention and innovation fairs, innovative product festivals and invention contests or competitions which are annually held under the patronage of International Federation of Inventors’ Association showcase the innovations and new technologies in different fields such as the green technologies, agricultural products, chemicals materials, machinery, hand tools, consumer electronics, computer wares and power technology.
  • The aggregation of over 50 events under the umbrella of IFIA provides the opportunity for inventors to exchange the innovative knowledge among each other, create a valuable network of communication between the inventors and investors, participate in B2B forums, negotiate the licensing of their inventions and benefit from the side events organized concurrent with the exhibitions including the workshops, seminars and congresses aiming to shed light on the IP, patent protection, commercialization and the empowerment of young men and women entrepreneurs.
  • Moreover, the organization of such events can be beneficial for the society in that the economy’s competitiveness is enhanced, and innovation culture developed. The chance of commercialization is increased as the national or international manufacturers, commercial agents, promoters, financiers, users and entrepreneurs of all kind visit the exhibited prototypes and patented inventions. Besides, the new products and innovations are publicized thanks to the presence of journalists and the international media during the event.

IFIA Publication

IFIA publication comprising the weekly electronic newsletter, annually -published paper magazine, brochure, calendar and mobile application raises awareness among a database of 200000 people about the latest news in the field of invention and innovation. IFIA principal activities such as the international invention exhibitions, seminars, workshops, and congresses organized during the past years are illuminated in IFIA magazine. Meanwhile, the international cooperation between IFIA and United Nation agencies or other organization of importance are highlighted.

  • The brochure is a short and quick view of IFIA including its introduction, activities, and structure.
  • The calendar briefly sketches the upcoming events of IFIA to be held in different parts of the world. the readers can easily find which event is going to be organized where and when.
  • IFIA application supported in two platforms of IOS and Android makes all of the above-mentioned information accessible by one touch of a mobile or table

IFIA Partnership

IFIA's objectives are to improve the status of inventors at national and international levels, and to promote cooperation between inventor's associations. To do this end, IFIA has been granted:

  • Observer status at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • Observer status (Special Category - Technology) at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  • A member of the Standing Advisory Committee before the European Patent Office (SACEPO),
  • A member of the NGO Branch is the focal point within the United Nations for Non-Governmental Organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
  • Strategic Partnership of European Alliance for Innovation (EAI)

IFIA Collaborations

IFIA has signed several memorandum of understandings with the following organizations that pursue paralleled objectives to cement specific aspects of IFIA.

  • World Women Inventor’s and Entrepreneurs Association (WWIEA): IFIA and WWIEA aim to encourage women inventors to be involved in creative activities.
  • Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO): since KEPCO is one of the principal power suppliers of the world, IFIA is able to assist the development of innovations in this field.
  • European Alliance for Innovation (EAI): IFIA and EAI perform prominent activities to further foster innovation in Europe.
  • Global Inventions (GI): IFIA and GI plan to offer the required assistance to the inventors for the commercialization of inventions.

IFIA President (2014-2018)

  • Alireza RASTEGAR,Dr.Sc.,

IFIA Honorary President (2004-unlimited time)

  • Farag MOUSSA,Dr.Sc.,From Swiss 2004 unlimited time

IFIA Directors (2014-2016)

  • Husein HUJIC, Bosni and Herzegovina - General Director
  • MichaÅ‚ SZOTA,Prof, Poland - Director
  • Lennart NILSON, Sweden - Director

IFIA Previous Presidents (from 1968)

The Presidents of IFIA since 1968 :

  1. A.W.RICHARDSON,Dr.Sc.,Great Britain, 1968-1971
  2. Harald A.R.ROMANUS,Sweden, 1971-1974
  3. Freidrich BURMESTER,Dr.Sc.,Germany, 1974-1977
  4. Leif NORDSTRAND,Norway, 1977-1982
  5. L.L.WARE,Dr.Se., United Kingdom, 1982-1984
  6. Torfin ROSENVINGE JOHNSEN,Norway, 1984-1985
  7. Bo Goran WALLIN,Swedish, 1985-1987
  8. Clarence P.FLEDMANN,Switzerland, 1987-1990
  9. Farag MOUSSA,Dr.Sc.,Switzerland, 1990-2006
  10. András VEDRES,Dr.Sc.,Hungary, 2006-2010-2014


According to IFIA Statutes, the "Members of the Federation can be full members, collaborating members and corresponding members". In other words, IFIA members can be inventors' associations, institutes, universities, research centers and other organizations which perform activities in the field of invention and innovation. IFIA members originate from 95 countries, as following:

Membership Table


  • General Assembly: the supreme governing body of the Federation composed of the most active member state organizations.
  • Federation President is the Managing Director who is elected by the General Assembly for four years.
  • Executive Committee is the policymaker entity and executive body which is elected by the General Assembly for two years.
  • Directors and other President’s counselors who are appointed by the President for two years are President's closest associates and assistants.

IFIA Executive Committee

The IFIA Executive Committee members for mandate 2016-2018:


  1. UN NGO
  2. WIPO Observer list
  3. Unctad Observer list
  4. EPO Standing Advisory Committee before the European Patent Office (SACEPO)
  5. EAI Assembly of Professional Societies (EAI)
  6. United Nation Office in Geneva (UNOG)
  7. IFIA inventors and inventions award
  8. IFIA memorial medal
  9. IFIA inventions , inventors , new product and technology events
  11. MANTAD
  12. MANTAD 2

External links

  • IFIA website

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